Join Christina in viewing & interpreting each Harry Potter movie over the next few months!
Calling all Harry Potter fans! There are so many spiritual truths threaded throughout Harry Potter, and it's time to break things down to unlock all of the deeper lessons within one of Christina's favorite series! In this deep dive, we'll come together as a group to watch (or likely rewatch for many of us!) the movies and go through them piece by piece!
Join this FREE immersion below and receive details to:
⚡ be a part of the virtual, LIVE viewing parties with Christina and her friends - join in the chatroom while we watch together!
⚡ get Christina's interpretation on the spiritual truths and lessons within the movies to get so much more out of the fictional series we've grown up loving
⚡unlock the Harry Potter series in a whole new way
Here's how it will work:
⚡ Christina will announce the date & time that she will be watching the first HP movie. If you're available, join into the Zoom Room (link will be provided) at that time so we watch together & chat in the chatroom! Please note -- for legal purposes we cannot stream the film on Zoom so you will need to be watching it on your own computer / TV!
⚡ There will be a Zoom call in the following week or so where we break down events & concepts in the film to understand the deeper spiritual meanings & truth within the film. The replay will be available for 24 hours after the live call. If you're in the Channel Collective membership, the replay will be available permanently in the membership portal.
⚡We will repeat for the next movie, until we get through all 8 films!
**First movie watching live stream will be October 8th!***
Harry Potter Deep Dive: Viewing & Immersion
Sign up to receive the details for upcoming live stream calls + interpretation of the Harry Potter Series with Christina the Channel!