Day One: Live Oracle Channeling

Friday, August 23rd, from 2pm to 9pm

Christina channels a higher dimensional being that calls herself the Oracle. Experience learning ascended mastery from ego-less being who exists at a higher frequency. Each conversation is jaw-dropping and magical in itself, leaving you with a renewed sense of sacred urgency regarding your unique mission and embodying your unique gifts. This intimate setting will allow the Oracle to spend time with each participant, answering your questions and performing energy healing!

Day Two: Q&A with Christina & Ahai™ 7D Energy Healing

Saturday, August 24th from 2pm to 9pm

On Saturday, we’ll further integrate the magic from Friday’s conversations with the Oracle through Q&A with Christina. As always, there will be a lot to unpack from what the Oracle shared, and we will go even deeper with the conversation. We’ll complete our Saturday session with a powerful group Ahai 7D Energy healing session. Ahai is the form of energy healing Christina personally works with after downloading it in 2020, and has trained countless practitioners in. This transformational healing clears and balances the energy body - and is so widely loved because of the instant miracles that can drop in following a session.

About your Channel:

Intuitive Channel, Best-Selling Author, & Founder of Ahai 7D Energy Healing 

Christina is an intuitive channel, energy healer, and founder of Ahai 7D Energy Healing. She is a five-time best-selling author, including channeled texts such as Manifestation Mastery: How to Shift Your Reality & Co-Create with the Universe and The White Tablets of Melchizedek: The Codes of Truth. She is also the host of her own top-rated podcast of almost 10 years, Multidimensional. Christina has worked with countless CEOs, founders, celebrities, & professionals looking to optimize their performance, find full alignment, and create freedom in their lives by mastering the energetics of money, health, and relationships. 

Since she was a little girl, Christina has been intricately connected to the nonphysical world. She bridges the gap between realms, sharing transformational channeled messages from a number of different Ascended Masters and teaching others how to work with energy to create lasting change in their lives. She channels over 15 nonphysical entities through conscious, trance, and blended channeling.

Christina has helped thousands of people master the energetics of manifestation, connect with their intuition, and reach their highest potential through her monthly membership, live workshops, and transformational programs. 

Listen to life-changing experiences from previous attendees:


The weekend's flow

Join us for an immersive, intimate in-person experience with the Oracle and like-minded community in Scottsdale, AZ. On Friday, we will begin with an opening ceremony with Feminine Embodiment Coach Kelly Roland! Then we will experience a live channeling from the Oracle, including time for her to answer individual questions. On Saturday, we will integrate further with Q&A with Christina, followed by a group energy healing session. On both days, high-vibe dinner and drinks will be provided by Kelly's Clean Kitchen. There will be a 30 minute break halfway through each day’s session. This event will bring you together with soul fam and will truly be an unforgettable weekend that will launch you into your next level. If you've been hoping for a massive quantum leap, this is it ;)

What you’ll experience:

- Live channeling with the Oracle

- In-person Ahai Energy Healing

- Grounded spiritual information to transform your reality

- Connecting with other high-frequency souls who are on your wavelength

- Information on how to align with your highest possible timeline

- Encouragement and advice for navigating your unique mission

- A container for vulnerable community 

- An opening and activation of your mind, heart, and soul

- Throat chakra awakening

- A new understanding on how energy flows and how manifestation really works

- Endless surprises – you never know *exactly* what you’re going to get with the Oracle, and that’s our favorite part! 


This experience is for you if:

  •  You want an in-person, unforgettable channeling experience.

  •  You are a spiritual leader who incarnated at this time to help raise the collective vibration of the planet.

  •  You are committed to your pinnacle mission.

  •  You’re ready to connect with your soul fam that is aligned with your highest path.

  •  You’re willing to look at things from a higher perspective than what's available in the 3D.

  •  You’re eager to step into alignment with what you came here to do.

  •  You’re ready to receive the endless support that’s inherently available to you. 

  •  You can’t wait to cut the BS & FINALLY step into your power!

Magic & Miracles are waiting for you.



Immersive Weekend

  • Includes two days of healing, activations, channeling, soul fam, and high-vibrational food. Each day will run from 2pm-9pm, with a break in the middle for dinner.
  • Opening Ceremony with Feminine Embodiment Coach Kelly Roland
  • Live Channeling with the Oracle
  • Q&A and personalized healing with the Oracle
  • Q&A + personalized coaching with Christina
  • Integration conversations to go deeper into the Oracle’s messages
  • Group Ahai 7D Energy Healing
  • High-frequency dinner, snacks and beverages by Kelly's Clean Kitchen each day
  • Connection with like-minded, high vibrational souls

    $2497 - 2-Day Experience 

Enter a vortex with the Oracle where time simply expands. Learn how to make energy, your mission, and spirituality simple. It’s time to finally clear away the fears, illusions, scarcity mentality, and separation.

This is your opportunity to meet soul fam. To say YES to your mission. To have a once-in-a-lifetime experience you’ll never forget.

This is New Earth learning, and the Oracle shares New Earth codes.