Learn About Ahai™
Become a Practitioner

Become an Ahai™ 7D Energy Healer


The next level of energy healing is here. 

Ahai™ is an energy healing modality that works at the frequency of miracles and allows the practitioner to be a channel for a high-frequency energy to support the body's natural healing and expansion processes. Becoming attuned to this modality requires not only training in the technique, but also personal development work to raise your frequency, to clear out any inner blocks to living from your soul self, and to truly live as an embodiment of love. 

Whether you’re looking to heal yourself on a deeper level, amplify your own manifestation practice and spiritual gifts, or elevate your business by ascending to a higher-frequency healing modality, this Ahai™ Practitioner training could be for you - and it’s the ONLY Ahai training available in the world!

About Your Mentor


Christina Rice first started working as an energy healer after being attuned to Reiki, and over the years her intuitive gifts opened up more and more. She developed her gifts as a psychic, medium, Akashic records reader, and trance channel, and she explored new modalities of energy healing. Her practice shifted into something very unique, and intuitively led. She was activated to Ahai™ while channeling during the Lionsgate Portal in 2020, and has been working with the energy ever since as her main modality for energy work, intuitive work, and accessing the Akashic records.

Does this sound like YOU?


  • You’re craving a connection to higher-frequency energy

  • You're ready to reach your fullest potential & align with your soul purpose

  • You’re seeking a stronger intuitive connection and psychic abilities so that you can have access to answers for yourself

  • You want to get hours back of your week by doing less but getting better results

  • You want to save more of your own money by having access to your own healing tool rather than going from healer to healer, stuck in loops

  • You want to heal yourself on a deeper, more impactful level

  • You're ready to supercharge your manifestation practice & make quantum leaps in your life

  • You're ready to activate miracles in your everyday life

  • You want to unlock your dormant DNA & have a tool to move through uncomfortable ascension symptoms

  • You're ready to work with higher-dimensional beings

  • You want to be trained in energy healing with a powerful frequency

  • You’re a current energy healer who is outgrowing your modalities - want something more potent and faster

  • Your clients need deeper healings & more powerful transformations

  • You're ready to upgrade your healing gifts 

If you said “YES” to any of the above, apply to become attuned to Ahai™ 7D Energy Healing to learn more about the next round of attunement!


Ready to upgrade your gifts?


Ahai™ 7D Healing is the energy I was waiting for. Since working with Ahai, I've seen rapid, profound transformation in my own life and in my clients'. My clients immediately noticed how much stronger the energy was, and I started seeing miracle transformations more than ever before. What was previously taking 4-12 sessions to work through now was taking 1-2. In addition to healing, my clients started effortlessly unlocking their own intuitive gifts & manifesting like never before. In my own life, I use Ahai to continuously upgrade my abilities, access the Akashic Records, supercharge my manifestation practice, & consistently upgrade my vibration. This is the modality that has gotten me hours back in my daily life, it is my main business tool as an entrepreneur who owns multiple businesses, it is my go-to for emotional and physical healing, it is how I optimize my mental and physical health, and it is how I consistently upgrade my own gifts. This modality allows you to consistently "upgrade" so that you never outgrow the modality -- expansion is endless. I am so excited for more healers to work with this energy - get ready for powerful transformation! 

Christina Rice, Founder


Attunement Options

Level 1



What's included:

  • Learn to use Ahai™ energy for yourself & become attuned to the energy
  • Over 15 modules of pre-recorded vcourse content
  • Live virtual attunement call (with time at the end for Q&A) (see below for dates)
  • Learn to use Ahai for self-healing, manifestation, spiritual upgrades, & more
  • Level 1 Certification upon completion of course content & training requirements
  • Ahai Training PDF manual
  • Opportunity to pursue Level 2 to be able to send energy to others


  • Enrollment in the Psychic Development Course (Click here) - You can take this at the same time!

**payment plans available


Level 2

Certified Ahai Practitioner


What's included:

  • Learn to send Ahai™ energy to others & get trained as an energy healer
  • Over 15 modules of pre-recorded course content
  • Live virtual attunement (see below for dates)
  • 4  90-minute Q&A calls for live mentorships (recordings will be included) (calls will be held after the attunement)
  • Lifetime listing on the official Ahai website as a certified practitioner
  • Access to a community of others in the program
  • Ahai Training PDF manual


  • Enrollment in the Psychic Development Course (Click here) - You can take this at the same time!
  • Level 1 (Self-Healing)

**payment plans available


Levels 1 & 2 Bundle

Self-Healing + Certified Ahai Practitioner

$5,555 total (Save $1,111!)

What's included:

  • Everything included in Levels 1 & 2, bundled for a discount
  • Best for those who are ready to say YES to being a Level 2 Practitioner

**payment plans available


Next attunement dates: 

Please apply to the waitlist to be notified when enrollment opens.

Next Enrollment Date: August 5-9, 2024


Level 1 (one of the following): 

Friday, August 30th, 2024:  10 AM - 2 PM PST (30 minute break included)


Sunday, September 1st, 2024: 10 AM - 2 PM PST (30-minute break included)

Level 2 (one of the following): 

Friday, October 18th, 2024: 10 AM - 1 PM PST (30-minute break included)


Sunday, October 20th, 2024 10 AM - 1 PM PST (30-minute break included)

Ahai Level 2 Q&A Calls will be held from 11:00am-12:30 pm PST on November 5th, 12th, 19th, and 21st

By viewing this webpage and / or submitting this form related to and including information on Ahai Energy Healing, you understand that Christina Rice is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Business Coach,  Intuitive, and Energy Healer, and the Founder and CEO of Christina Rice Wellness LLC and christinathechannel.com. Our purpose is to help you tap into your intuitive gifts, create massive impact, and build your dream business.
This webpage is for informational and educational purposes only. The information and education provided is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. The information on this page is not financial, medical, or legal advice. 
Although we do our best to make sure all of the information contained herein is up to date and/or accurate, we do not make any representation that all the information contained herein is accurate or free of errors at all times. We do not assume any responsibility for accuracy of the webpage information, or its safety or efficacy as it applies to you. You should review any and all changes to your diet, lifestyle, exercise regimen, or supplement routine with your physician or a medical professional before trying it yourself. There is no guaranteed results from energy healing, and energy healing does not replace medical treatment. 
We do not offer any representations, guarantees, or warranties, of any variety, regarding the information contained in the webpage and offered in its course, programs, posts, or healing sessions/circles in any way including, but not limited to, effectiveness, safety, harm, or results achieved as a result of your use of the information provided in and related to the webpage. The webpage and any information provided related to the webpage is offered “AS IS” and without representations, guarantees, or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, neither express nor implied, to the extent permitted by law.  We are not liable for damages of any kind related to your use of the information provided in and in any way related to the webpage or any information contained or discussed therein.
By using this webpage and/or form, you implicitly signify your agreement to all of the terms contained herein.
If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please contact [email protected]. Thank you. 

Christina Rice Wellness LLC © Copyright 2023